Saturday, May 2, 2015

Stress Away: Vacation in a Bottle

Stress Away...doesn't the name get you already!? As a mom, wife, church worker, etc; I wear many hats and sometimes everything collides together, leaving me well stressed! If you have been stressed raise your hands...Okay, so you know I can't see you, but I can guess you are all raising your hands 😊
   Okay, now that we have established there is stress around us we can make action! Stress Away is for topical, ingestion and for diffusion. It recommended that you drink one drop in a glass of water, I will be honest, I haven't tried that. But, what Of have done is rub it on my wrists and neck. Also, I have diffused it for my kids naptime,which is one of the most stressful times of my day.
  What's in it? Well, I am glad you asked!
    Stress Away is made with Copaiba, Lime,Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender.
I am going to break it down by ingredients:
  Copaiba: Historically used for anti inflammatory and anti tutorial healing
                   Modern-day used to protect and soften skin. It works like a sedative and is stimulating to the nervous system or sympathetic nervous system.
   Lime:  Is a cleansing oil, it has been used for acne, asthma, colds, flu and vericose veins. 
 Cedarwood: High in sesquiterpenes, which the limbic part of the brain, the center of emotions and memory. It stimulates the pineal gland, which releases melatonin. (Cedarwood helps my sister sleep very soundly!)
 Vanilla: the vanilla used in Stress Away is for flavoring. **Stress Away is widely used for ingestion, by using 2 drops in a glass of water)
 Ocotea: promotes an environment of peace and tranquility
 Lavender: for concentration. In a study in Japan they found that between the Jasmine group, control group and lavender group, lavender had the highest concentration levels. (Sakamoto R., et al., 2005)

With all this goodness in one bottle how could you not indulge in it? Here's the awesome calories! Unlike chocolate! So do this for your health ;) 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Lemon is not only a great scent, but its all purpose! From beauty products to health needs to the joys of cleaning.
  Beauty: Make your own products! If you want to know what is in your beauty supplies what better way than to make them. *Caution: Lemon is a UV sensitive, with that being said you are going to want to stay out of direct sunlight.*

   Here is a recipe by Savy Naturalista,Lemon Toner (Large Pores)
 Health:  Lemon has been tested as antiseptic, that means if you have gotten a cut, you would use it to cleanse the wound. Like lavender, lemon also helps the blood cells clot to heal wounds faster. 
 Ladies, lemon is also great for UTI's. Here is how you would use it for that:
   Topically apply, Purification
   Drink in a glass (not plastic) of water all day or apply topically all day these killer 3: Thieves, Peppermint and Lemon.
  2 Tbsp. white vinegar
  1 Tbsp. of borax in a spray bottle
  10 drops or Eucalyptus, Lemon or Lavender
*Shake bottle until the borax is dissolved completely*

Floor Cleaner:
  1/4 c. white vinegar
  1 bucket of hot water
  5-10 drops of Lemon
*Combine in bucket and get to mopping :)

Window Cleaner:
  1 c. white vinegar
  3 c. distilled water
  10-15 drops Lemon
*Mix ingredients in spray bottle and wash the windows, not like I need to tell you how ;)

So these are the things you can try, if you want more suggestions and tips on how to use Lemon, look up Lemon Essential oils on Pinterest. 
 Tomorrow I will be going over Stress Away...Ah! Stress Away!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Everyday Oils Collection: Lavender

Ahh! (breathing deeply) Lavender! Love the scent of it and love the benefits.
  Did you know that Lavender is good for many things, 'everyday' things!
When I got my kit, I chose the Everyday Oils Collection Starter Kit. (for info on this go check out my last blog on Getting Started and Picking Your Kit!)
  The first oil I started using was Lavender. I had been having a really hard time with the kids sleeping. I have a 2 year old and a 14 month old, not big fans of sleep. At the beginning my daughter responded very well to it, my son didn't have the same reaction. But, what I would do, every night, (admission here: haven't been very consistent the past few days due to the stomach bug.) I would have foot time. It became routine for Allison, when I called out that it was oil time she ran onto the bed and was ready. I basically used it the way most people do, I diffused it and also rubbed it on the babies feet. 
   Also, I use it for cuts. Lavender helps the body heal quicker and naturally. 
  While reading in my EOPR (Essential Oil Pocket Reference 6th Edition by Life Science Publishers), I found some interesting things about Lavender that goes beyond just sleep and cuts.
Here is a list of the Medical Properties:

  •     Antiseptic
  •     Anti-fungal
  •    Analgesic (a pain killer)
  •    Antitumoral
  •    Anticonvulsant
  •    Vasodilating
  •    Relaxant
  •    Anti- Inflamatory
  •    Reduces blood fat/cholesterol
  •    Combats excess sebum on skin
     Isn't that amazing?!
 Here are the Uses:

  • Respiratory infections
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • PMS/Menstrual problems
  • Skin Conditions (perineal repair)
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Scarring
  • Stretch Marks
  • Burns
  • Hair Loss
  • Insomnia
  • Nervous Tension
From personal experience I can tell you that we have really benefited from Lavender concerning our sleep and when the little's get boo boo's. If you have any testimonies concerning Lavender I would love to hear it!


Friday, April 3, 2015

Essential Rewards Program

Okay so today I wanted to go over the Essential Rewards Program, this is one of the many optional things about signing up with Young Living. 
  The graphic below explains it better than I can! Big thanks to Oily Gurus for making these pictures for me and others to use.
So one of the things that you will notice if you have signed up as a wholesale member (If you have not you can do that here, but no pressure!) you will get emails about promos. These promotions are to help you maximize your points and give you the most bang for your buck. 
Pictured below is the April Promotion for this month
So by using the ER (Essential Rewards) you will rack up these points and be able to go far with them. For ex. Say I take full advantage of this promo, I buy the 15 mL Lavender, the 3 pack of Thieves spray, 10% back ER points and get the bonus 5mL Wintergreen all for 300 points. Then I want to buy something later, I can use these points to buy it! When you look at the catalog you will see that the price value is also the point value. Because of that it isn't made out to be so complicated, which for me is very important!
   Hopefully, I helped you with understanding ER and maybe got you interested in testing it out. If I did any of these two things I have done my job
 Thanks for checking in on my blog!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Intro Class to Essential Oils by Courtney of Baby Steps Essential Oils

If you are interested in a webnair that can answer some questions and give you a good starting point this is for you. When listening have a notebook and pen/pencil beside you. (Here is the link)
  As a disclaimer, I do not share the same view on vaccinations as the Baby Steps. I believe in vaccinations and believe that they work. With that being said we should respect others opinions and views on all sides of the topic. So there should be no belittling of any person or persons.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Getting Started and Picking your Kit!

 Okay so while I have been MIA for a week or two I was putting together pictures and graphics that I could use to show you, my friends, the PSK and the Everyday Oils Collection. On The Mom that Uses Oils Facebook page (click on the blue to be sent there and maybe 'like' my page if you have a Facebook.)
   In your kit you get 11 oils ( frankinsence, lemon, peppermint, lavender, tea tree, joy, purification, thieves, panaway, and stress the one in the starter kit box, citrus fresh)
Premium Starter Kit $150.00
 You can choose different kits, but for right now we are talking about the best deal! Seriously, you get the diffuser, the collection, and the starter box kit.
 Here's what is inside your starter box kit: 
  •      Samples, you get 2 Lavender, 2 Peppermint, 2 Peace and Calming, 2 Thieves, and 2 Lemon. Also 2 Samples of Ningxia Red (all of these are pictured above) 
  • Sample business cards, the cool thing about these is you can put your information on the front of them and insert a sample in the pocket and give them out as needed. 
  • Citrus fresh with a roller ball fitment. You can use the fitment for your Citrus Fresh or you can use it for another oil. Citrus Fresh is used mainly as an uplifting scent, it helps with focus and also just plain out right smells yummy!
  • Distributor Resource Guide, this just explains in short of all your options such as the virtual office, social media, apps, and etc. Now if you are not using your wholesale membership for doing a business, then you can disregard the literature on starting your business and business goals. 
  • Welcome booklet and the S.E.E.D. booklet
Basic Starter Kit $40.00
Note: the basic plus starter kit includes a diffuser. $75.00 (pictured below)

   Now doing the math the PSK (Premium Starter Kit) is a great deal especiall because of the Everyday Oil Collection being included, the collection itself wholesale priced is $124.00. The PSK is the very first picture that you see. You really get the bang for your buck! 
  But, if you just want to test the waters a little at a time that's cool. Actually, that is the best quality about Young Living it is a relaxed company full of integrity and just really caring about people! If you are interested in getting started or just wanting to learn more, visit my webpage or shoot me a message! 
 Thanks everyone and see ya soon!!