Saturday, May 2, 2015

Stress Away: Vacation in a Bottle

Stress Away...doesn't the name get you already!? As a mom, wife, church worker, etc; I wear many hats and sometimes everything collides together, leaving me well stressed! If you have been stressed raise your hands...Okay, so you know I can't see you, but I can guess you are all raising your hands 😊
   Okay, now that we have established there is stress around us we can make action! Stress Away is for topical, ingestion and for diffusion. It recommended that you drink one drop in a glass of water, I will be honest, I haven't tried that. But, what Of have done is rub it on my wrists and neck. Also, I have diffused it for my kids naptime,which is one of the most stressful times of my day.
  What's in it? Well, I am glad you asked!
    Stress Away is made with Copaiba, Lime,Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender.
I am going to break it down by ingredients:
  Copaiba: Historically used for anti inflammatory and anti tutorial healing
                   Modern-day used to protect and soften skin. It works like a sedative and is stimulating to the nervous system or sympathetic nervous system.
   Lime:  Is a cleansing oil, it has been used for acne, asthma, colds, flu and vericose veins. 
 Cedarwood: High in sesquiterpenes, which the limbic part of the brain, the center of emotions and memory. It stimulates the pineal gland, which releases melatonin. (Cedarwood helps my sister sleep very soundly!)
 Vanilla: the vanilla used in Stress Away is for flavoring. **Stress Away is widely used for ingestion, by using 2 drops in a glass of water)
 Ocotea: promotes an environment of peace and tranquility
 Lavender: for concentration. In a study in Japan they found that between the Jasmine group, control group and lavender group, lavender had the highest concentration levels. (Sakamoto R., et al., 2005)

With all this goodness in one bottle how could you not indulge in it? Here's the awesome calories! Unlike chocolate! So do this for your health ;) 

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