Friday, April 3, 2015

Essential Rewards Program

Okay so today I wanted to go over the Essential Rewards Program, this is one of the many optional things about signing up with Young Living. 
  The graphic below explains it better than I can! Big thanks to Oily Gurus for making these pictures for me and others to use.
So one of the things that you will notice if you have signed up as a wholesale member (If you have not you can do that here, but no pressure!) you will get emails about promos. These promotions are to help you maximize your points and give you the most bang for your buck. 
Pictured below is the April Promotion for this month
So by using the ER (Essential Rewards) you will rack up these points and be able to go far with them. For ex. Say I take full advantage of this promo, I buy the 15 mL Lavender, the 3 pack of Thieves spray, 10% back ER points and get the bonus 5mL Wintergreen all for 300 points. Then I want to buy something later, I can use these points to buy it! When you look at the catalog you will see that the price value is also the point value. Because of that it isn't made out to be so complicated, which for me is very important!
   Hopefully, I helped you with understanding ER and maybe got you interested in testing it out. If I did any of these two things I have done my job
 Thanks for checking in on my blog!

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